The Part 1 comprehensive training program provides the essential tools for working with children with special needs. Using hands-on instruction, Sonia (Sivakami) Sumar, guides program participants through each stage of the special child’s development. Topics include how to evaluate infants and children, how to create the optimum home environment and how to work with specific syndromes and disorders.

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YSC 95H PROGRAM - PART 2 (55 HOURS) - Developing Programs for Teens and Young Adults

This course further expands on the techniques learned in Part 1 with special emphasis on working with teens and young adults, also refining your skills to work with children from 0-12 years.

These programs are conducted once annually and the dates will be notified here.

Integral Yoga Institute has been conducting these programs since 2011 and has so far trained more than 300 teachers to work with populations with special needs.

What People Are Saying

Ms. Maura cody
Yoga for Special Child Instructor,Kodaikanal

Sonia Sumar is a very special teacher who connects deeply with each student in her course. Each day of the course provided new challenges and experiences, and by the end of the course we were ready to begin teaching yoga to special children with love and confidence. I look forward to participating in part 2 of this very special yoga course!

Journalist, Bangalore.

Yoga for the special child at the integrated Yoga Institute has been awakening of sorts. Learning the course was a wonderful experience. I have been practicing Yoga with my son ever since I did the course in January 2017 and it has been magical. An otherwise hyperactive child mellows down for a thirty minute session of yoga every single morning. Personally for me it was a learning for life. The yoga for the special child taught me how to connect with myself and my child too. It also trains in handling challenges that come with dealing with special kids. Integral Yoga Institute is also a platform to meet some very wonderful and gifted professionals. Their trainers selflessly offer you their time and expertise.

Mrs. Radha
Drona Yoga center, Chennai

My first formal Yoga Teacher Training was with Sivakami. She doesn’t teach. She lives the experience of being a yogi, a yoga teacher, working with children who have super normal abilities… I learnt many lessons from Sivakami. Lessons of love, surrender, receptivity, acceptance and tolerance…It was from her that I learnt to see the possibilities rather than looking at the limitations. Everytime I study a course under her guidance, the experience is enriching and different. As she often mentions, she is ready to share all that she knows, it is upon the student to receive and make the best learning from her presence!

Mrs. Renuka.R
Integral Yoga Institute

The Course gave valuable inputs to improve my own yoga practice. The love and dedication of Sivakami Ma is so contageous that it gives an altogether different dimensions to learning. When sher works with children I was moved to see how easily the children felt connected with her. Feeling blessed for the opportunity I got to experience the essence of Yoga in Sivakami Ma’s class.

Mr. VigneshChander
CEO, Vinayaga Scientific Works

It was truly an eye opener. I have learnt from her, what is love and how to love. soniamaa, made us realize true love for soul despite the child’s physical short comings. I have learnt true meaning for belief, love, compassion, true spirituality, empathy from her. Every soul is potentially divine. I have started loving children more than ever before.

Tina Matthews
Software Professional & Yoga for Special Child Instructor

She first took us through the various hatha yoga asanas and showed us the right way to perform each asana and then how to help special children perform those asanas. We learnt from her that special children are just like normal children deep down. It’s just that from the outside they look and act different because of their mental and physical handicap. If we connect with them on a soul-to-soul basis then all the boundaries will melt away.